The Harry Potter books. The Da Vinci Code. The Twilight series. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, and sequels. In the age of instant messages, Facebook, tweets, texting, how did these thick genre novels by unknown writers reach people on such an unprecedented scale?
    When the philospher Slavoj Zizek was asked this question, he gave a rather surprising answer.
    Some works of art lay everything out for you. Some acknowledge the audience, and pull them out of their chairs, into the arena.
    A brief excerpt from Ghostwritten, David Mitchell's debut novel. Describing the personalities of the various London Underground lines.
How much do we love The Wizard of Oz as a culture? Here's how much. 
A short, to the point, review of Van Jones' new book Rebuilding the Dream, a manifesto for the 99% movement. 
On analysing myself for an unconscious prejudice that leaves 50% of the population out of the picture.
Great story, excellent directing, and strong postmodern elements.
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