Beams and Struts - Contributors
Kathryn Ehnebuske

Kathryn Ehnebuske

Kathryn Ehnebuske lives on the Redwood Coast of California, 270 miles north of San Francisco. She earns her living teaching financial skills to small business owners, artists, and craftspeople that unanimously prefer whatever they are doing to dealing with money. Her real vocation has been learning to love. Her most important teachers have been her husband, Don, and her two children, Bren and Lauren. Since being profoundly impacted by the writing of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin as a freshman at the University of Colorado in 1971, she has passionately explored the evolution of consciousness, particularly her own.

Thursday, 02 August 2012 22:45

The Pursuit of Passion

On Sri Aurobindo's epic poem Savitri and its capacity to radically transform a soul.  

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