So much of what we take for granted in everyday life now would seem amazing, or incomprehensible a very short time ago. 
Which elements of the psychological patterns in gender psychology are evident in an episode of Jem and the Holograms?
How does the greatest cartoon ever shed light on the meaning of Beams & Struts and integral theory more generally?  Meta-enaction.  To find out what that means, read this essay. 
What does our inclination for nostalgia and romanticism leave out of the picture?
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International development is a messy affair.  Nobody quite knows what works. Various schools of thought, each trying to help in their own way, compete for the ‘right model’ of development. Economists say that poverty is caused by poor capital accumulation or restricted markets. Social scientists argue that it’s caused by a system of oppression. Other schools, each with their own bogeymen, focus on everything from overpopulation to cultures of laziness and corruption. But which is right?
A look at the issue of spanking, from the book Nurture Shock, by Po Bronson & Ashley Merryman
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