"Keep the channel open...[There is] no satisfaction whatever at any time. There is only a queer, divine dissatisfaction, a blessed unrest that keeps us marching and makes us more alive than the others". - Martha Graham to Agnes de Mille, Dance to the Piper.
The philospher Hegel believed that all of human history was one long struggle for freedom. Hegel tried to show that human history can be understood as the slowly increasing and deepening consciousness of freedom, and the actions and institutions (like modern rights) that emanate from that on-going awakening. There's a beautiful set of fifty images of recent global struggle here on this website. When I look at these pictures, I can't help but hear Hegel's vision whispering in my ear. I've chosen a sample of five to show below, but it was a hard choice, as there are some stunning and moving (and also inventive!) scenes of human protest happening right now in multiple corners of the planet. On the website they give you a description of each of the protests and what they were about. It's a fascinating look into a series of human struggles that have been largely unreported in the mainstream Can-American media. Here are some images of the global blessed unrest.