Beams and Struts Radio

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radio_jockeyOver the past few months Beams and Struts has hosted a series of podcasts led by TJ Dawe. If you haven't had a chance to listen to that program yet, it's called Totem Figures and you should definitely check it out. We hope to expand the podcast section more in the coming months and we're already cooking a series of interviews that'll bring a lot of great new voices and ideas to the community.

To kick things off on this new endeavour, we'll be speaking with spiritual teacher and cultural visionary, Andrew Cohen, whose new book, Evolutionary Enlightenment, was released earlier this week. We hope you'll have a listen, let us know what you think of the new format, and continue to join in as we move ahead with Beams and Struts Radio!

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Beams and Struts employs commenting guidelines that we expect all readers to bear in mind when commenting at the site. Please take a moment to read them before posting - Beams and Struts Commenting Policy


  • Comment Link Philip Corkill Tuesday, 04 October 2011 14:37 posted by Philip Corkill

    I like the podcast section and look forward to the coming interviews. Sounds great!

    Still, this appears to have slipped into the wrong category. It's not a magazine style article. Or is there a special motive here to prioritise this post?

  • Comment Link Juma Tuesday, 04 October 2011 18:22 posted by Juma

    Thanks Philip,

    Yes since the podcast section is a work in progress, moving this bit to the article section was a judgement call to draw attention both to the section and to what we felt was an interesting interview.

    In the future, this will look different as the full vision of Beams and Struts Radio (affectionately coined BS Radio behind the scenes)starts to take shape.

  • Comment Link Philip Corkill Tuesday, 04 October 2011 20:44 posted by Philip Corkill

    LOL :-D both at BS Radio and how anal I can be.

    "Ordnung ist das halbe Leben"

    As long as Andrew Cohen not pimping the site, I think even my German half can stomach a sightly odd form article.

  • Comment Link Bergen Vermette Tuesday, 04 October 2011 20:56 posted by Bergen Vermette

    Hey Phil,

    As Jum mentioned we use this section to announce updates or features on the site as well - for example, Sports Week, or Redemption Week. Long ago we used to have a cool banner feature that gave announcements - for Trev's ISE series, for example. But we had to scrap it in favour of a larger image container for the Articles/Essays. Ah, the balance between form and function...

    As for your German anal-ness (!) at least we know someone's paying attention! (and that the trains will keep running on time). And if by pimping you mean payment or favour for our work, we've no offers there yet - but frankly, given all the work this glorious labour of love consumes, if you know anyone who'd be into that, send 'em our way ;-)

  • Comment Link Philip Corkill Tuesday, 04 October 2011 21:54 posted by Philip Corkill

    HA haa! I'd be glad to.

    You know there's no way I personally could keep up with all the work I know you must put in to this. I can't even keep up with the pieces I'd like to read and comments I'd like to offer.

    Much much marvel, admiration and reverence. Really right from my heart.

    I actually meant having the beams team do dirty work, bending the principals of their site for Andrew to reap the rewards, promote his agenda, bolster his status and get special favours. That sort of thing.

    I don't see that happening. Nor either party wanting that. Looks like a win-win to me.

    But right now I can feel where my flippant remark came from. As I listened to the dialogue, a thorn of contention concerning Andrews work, that's been niggling at me for a while, tweaked its way into view. More on that on the podcast thread. If I can keep up!

    Again, bowing to this "glorious labour of love"


  • Comment Link Bergen Vermette Wednesday, 05 October 2011 00:02 posted by Bergen Vermette

    Great thanks Phil, look forward to continuing that conversation on the other thread.

    I should say also, your concern about us "bending our principals" is a valid one and we considered it before posting the recent interview with Andrew Cohen. We considered it because the continued purpose and flavour of the site has been to try to be a platform for as many new (or 'second wave') voices as possible. And we didn't want to be a place with more interviews with the same people we're used to seeing/hearing on Integral/Evolutionary sites. In the 18 months since we've been at it, I think we've done a good job at keeping things as new (young?) and open as possible.

    At the same time, we want to honour lineage and those people who've influenced our thinking. Cohen is one of them. In the past we've also done interviews with Steve McIntosh, reported our experiences in the company of Thomas Hubl and Cynthia Borgeault (even promoting their events), and have given gleaming reviews for some of our favourite academics like Chris Hedges and Robert Harrison. Next week we also have two articles coming up about Ken Wilber - who's greatly influenced most of the writers on the site (family and founders alike). We've also revamped an old feature called "Sacred Sundays" where each of the core contributors to this site will now be posting excerpts from the spiritual teachings or practices they're engaged in at the moment. This will bring a lot of familiar voices to the site! So it wouldn't really be honest if we claimed Beams was only for the Second Wave, clearly it isn't. But we think there's enough room here for everyone and those voices most in need of hearing will rise to the top as they should.

    Speaking of which, have you ever considered submitting something?

    Steve McIntosh: articles/item/558-in-conversation-with-steve-mcintosh

    Thomas Hubl: bits-a-pieces/item/591-thomas-hubl-tour-fall-2011

    Cynthia Borgeault: articles/item/393-being-mary

    Chris Hedges: bits-a-pieces/item/195-chris-hedges-and-the-death-of-the-liberal-class

    Robert Harrision: articles/item/129-the-post-postmodern-heroics-of-robert-harrison-or-how-to-put-girth-in-your-quadrants

  • Comment Link Philip Corkill Wednesday, 05 October 2011 15:37 posted by Philip Corkill

    Shock Bergen! My heart nearly stopped when I read that question. Which for me is often a signal for a "yes" in the long run. And, to be honest, yes, I did consider submitting something when I first arrived here.

    Writing, however, was always a weakness of mine. Also, as I mentioned elsewhere, I'm an Integral neophyte who has just learned what the word neophyte means here. The patience and skill with which you people moderate seems beyond me. How do you make the time? I've dabbled in integral a bit but I don't think I'm anywhere near that stage of development all round. So I wouldn't want to dilute the quality of the site. I've also been quite seriously ill lately. And I only just heard of second wave recently. Hence I doubt I could contribution something that would be "up to snuff"(Chris).

    In short (lol): I can't write. I'm sick. I can't moderate. I'm full of doubt. And I'm not integral. (what an application!;-). So...

    since all these thing are neither permanent states nor traits, and I love learning, I would be open to that in the future. Also there may be other ways to be of service apart from writing?

    For now, I'll stick to learning by reading, listening, contemplating and commenting.

    Thanks for the honesty about your motives behind the scenes and I'll be enjoying that reading list soon.


  • Comment Link Philip Corkill Thursday, 06 October 2011 15:00 posted by Philip Corkill

    Oh, back to the theme of payment for your work. The most inspiring work in this area that I've come across is Ryan Eliason's stuff aligning the concerns of people, planet, profit.

    I don't see why your work here shouldn't be creating health in all three areas.

    (hope I'm not evangelising to the choir and it turns out you're already all in the same golf club;-)

  • Comment Link Bergen Vermette Thursday, 06 October 2011 18:41 posted by Bergen Vermette

    Hey those are great resources, thanks! I think I'll give those SEE audios a listen, looks like there's a mountain of stuff in there.

    As for writing/contributing, I know what you mean. I'm not a great writer either and although I've read a lot of 'integral' books, my knowledge and embodiment of that work isn't anywhere near that of other writers at the site (I really mean that, take a look at the contributors section - there're some amazing people here). But at the same time, like you say, there's many ways to contribute to this project (and integral expertise is NOT a prerequisite). For example, you've been commenting a lot lately which is really helpful for writers who may have glazed over something in their article or who may have confused a point. Being able to draw that out here in the comment section (as you and I just did above) makes for a much richer conversation. Same goes for adding content like relavent links or ideas, which develops the conversation and everybody learns something. So yeah, I think you're bang on when you say there are "other ways to be of service apart from writing". And in terms of being "up to snuff", well when the time comes that's what editing is for and we can help with that too. :)


  • Comment Link Chela Friday, 07 October 2011 04:35 posted by Chela

    Phillip, Berg...I really appreciate the discussion you're in here and want to jump in.

    I'd like to echo your acknowledgement, Bergen, of the various ways in which people can contribute and Phil you are furthering the conversations all over the place! I've been like 'who's this phil guy? he's totally showing up, engaging and offering a lot.' I've even been driven to comment threads I hadn't read yet because of your thoughtful comments on the discussion side bar, full of curiosity and regard.
    Certainly contributing indeed.

    I'd like to speak to the feelings of uncertainly, doubt...not as a form of pressure to contribute in any way that you're not moved to...but because it seems relevant.
    We all feel inadequate in some way or another. I don't just mean the writers here. I mean humans.

    When I was first invited to write, I was terrified. 'I've got nothing'. That's not so true as it turns out and I am finding, especially with the support of other writers, that confidence builds and we can get braver. And every time I hit publish, even when it's just a comment, my heart skips. So much further to go, I wonder if that feeling ever goes away.

    What I love about coming into this kind of collective space to share ideas is that it pushes us and we push each other and learn from each other. It was funny Phillip, as I read your list of what you've only just started dabbling in, I was like 'shit, I know nothing about that'. one will ever be an expert in everything and so here's to everyone offering up what they've got...nothing more..nothing less.

    And that a diminishing assertion of your writing capabilities that I smell or simply modesty? You know if I catch a whiff of that self-deprecation garbage, I'll call ya out on it every time. But modesty's cool. It's actually what drew me into this discussion, the way you both were so honestly exploring and stating what's there for you around this topic. Thanks.

  • Comment Link Philip Corkill Saturday, 08 October 2011 01:45 posted by Philip Corkill

    Welcome Chela, nice to meet you here. And some sides of Bergen I hadn't met yet. This thread is really heart warming for me (I bet that's an unintentional hook in the side bar thingy:)

    And it's quite unexpected. I thought this was gonna be about Andrew Cohen and it's gone into humanness in the Beams and Struts community. Well OK, I'm gonna go with it.

    Someone once said culture means: "Just, how things are done around here".

    I'd joined in a few discussions here before I read Olen's Unearthing New Norms of Conversation Online guidelines. Eventually reading them was quite uncanny - noteworthy feedback for the core team - because I found that what Olen was invoking was like a report confirming the way the site had thus far inspired me to engage.

    I encountered, furthering conversations, showing up, engaging, offering value, curiosity, regard, willingness to be wrong or certainly partial and being touchable and response-able from moment to moment rather than predictable and reactive. And I tried/try to match that. Of course it calls on that in ourselves/myself which is capable. That's the culture I am drawn up into as I type in this space.

    That's just the way things are done around here.

    What really sucks about Beams and Struts is that you spend so much time at a screen. I hate that and I'm not happy with my own behaviour on that point. That part doesn't feel good (it's now 3 in the morning!). I have always been a slow writer but I imagine even for some of the speedy big contributors here it must be a lot of screen time. Annoying, since, it's also not the only place we hangout on-line. Even if I was a lot quicker I'd probably want to use the extra time to read the ten articles I've been meaning to read the most and writing the ten comments that I feel will be of most service. And there's other things that need doing on-line too!

    I don't see any way round that. Any suggestions? I'm going to try only turning the laptop on every third day for a while see how that works.

    Chela, - this is the Chela that's written some of the most popular but also brilliant and moving pieces on the site - to hear that you and Bergen go through the same stuff is really all the remaining welcome I could ask for. Thank you both for sharing that. And I hope our hearts continue to skip beats as we post ourselves to bravery.

    Gute Nacht! both of you.

    Now was that a thread killing spillage? Too much? Go back and edit some stuff out? Risk it Phil, then you'll see. I dare you to press submit comment and watch this space...

  • Comment Link Chela Davison Saturday, 15 October 2011 18:16 posted by Chela Davison


    This last comment of yours has been with me for the last week. I have had in my awareness your last line "Was this thread killing spillage?", the invitation into your direct experience and the vulnerability it takes to publicly engage in this way. And so due to the vulnerable and alive nature of where you brought us, I do feel it appropriate to apologize for the delay in my response.

    I love this feedback about your experience commenting. In my personal experience with writing, having commenters is quite exciting, but also nerve wracking. I appreciate the commitment here to have comments open dialogue and move things forward, especially when it is challenging. What we do often see online are comments that don't move conversations forward and that are actually rather violent and deconstructive by nature. There are so many ways that we can engage in dialogue and open things up.

    This comment of yours really offered something new, which I appreciate. That is, direct contact with your 'in the moment' experience. At the end, as you typed those thoughts out loud, the wondering, is this too much, should I edit...such real time vulnerability invites us in. At least I felt invited in, I was like 'too much? edit? shit, that's the story of my life!' But rather than simply expanding the conversation in terms of ideas, I could feel the expanding of a collective space more, like something was happening inter-relationtionally in the arising moment.

    Your point about a lot of screen time is very true. I have a difficult time being at the screen and yet it is our portal to connecting in these ways. As far as what we can do about this, I have been giving this some thought…

    First is allowing what happens in this space to branch out into our lives. If we work with the content of what we find helpful here and discussions that unfold and bring them into our work and relationships and local communities, we get to have the content of what we’re engaging with really affect our day to day.

    We’re seeing this all over the world with the protests and how the internet is supporting the people of the world to stand up and create change in a way that was just not possible before. So we come to our screen and educate and connect to our larger world, then go to the streets and make change in our direct world, which then ripples into our wider circles, inspiring, supporting and connecting the larger world more deeply.

    This question about what could possibly be done about this screen time, that without being at the screen we are not connecting and exchanging, has inspired some ideas that we could implement here at Beams.

    One thought is some more real time engagement. While we kind of do that in our comment threads, taking it a step further and creating/inviting live discussion. Or rather than simply posting a podcast, having it be live and opening up dialogue in some form or another, be it voice or chat forum, where those of us engaging are all doing so at the same time together.

    Another idea, one I’m quite stoked on actually, is to start finding ways to be in practice together as a global community. That is, perhaps have a weekly meditation where we as a Beams and Struts community all sit at the same time. When discussing this last night with a friend, she extended it into creating practice around other things that we value, with the intention of creating a shared experience.
    For example, we’re all pretty into food, so choosing a day where we post a recipe and those who want to all make the same thing on the same night, enjoying meals together. This idea of hers felt nourishing to me, imagining people in different countries all eating black bean burgers together. There are so many ways that practices could be created to connect folk, but get us away from our screens.

    So those are some thoughts…ways we can be in our lives, away from our screens, connected to shared movements and practices, not just in theory but moment to moment living…

  • Comment Link Philip Corkill Saturday, 15 October 2011 18:28 posted by Philip Corkill

    Chela! Are you still at the screen right now?

  • Comment Link Chela Davison Saturday, 15 October 2011 18:52 posted by Chela Davison

    Sure am!

  • Comment Link Chela Davison Saturday, 15 October 2011 18:54 posted by Chela Davison

    Will be heading out soon to Occupy Vancouver...but here we as suggested in my last comment..

  • Comment Link Philip Corkill Saturday, 15 October 2011 18:56 posted by Philip Corkill

    OK. I'll take those 7 minutes as a no.

    And I'll break my only-engage-actively-on-line-every-three-days experiment to respond spontaneously because you just pulled me onto the court from the sideline and passed me the ball for an open layup. High five;-)


    I have been thinking similar things.

    The internet is like a big brain and using it is similar to using our own brain. Content is fascinating and we can get sucked in. I remember an anecdote about Socrates being so fascinated by a line of thought that he stood there and contemplated immediately. Later he had to be reanimated because the weather had turned and he was found frozen in the snow. He hadn't noticed:-)

    Ah, you're there. Cool. So this is a chat:-)

  • Comment Link Philip Corkill Saturday, 15 October 2011 19:00 posted by Philip Corkill


    OK well I have a date too but this was a good start!

    Internet = interhead

    but we might use it to create the interheart.

    the interbeing

    and even the interbody

    just some food for thought!

    enjoy occupyVancouver!

  • Comment Link Philip Corkill Saturday, 15 October 2011 19:01 posted by Philip Corkill

    I have to go!


  • Comment Link Philip Corkill Wednesday, 19 October 2011 18:45 posted by Philip Corkill

    Hi again Chela, to respond more fully, now that the nearly-live-chat window has passed. (Ha haa, We nearly connected in real time just minutes after you suggested it:-)

    No worries about the delayed response. I think that's part of the experience here too. Everyone just chips in when they can and some things take a while, or simply get displaced by our ever-growing to do lists.

    But it's interesting: You are right, there was a vulnerable moment (couple of moments) there for me and it created a little vacuum, a drawing in as you say. I was tempted to fill the gap myself with some sort of attempted gloss-over joke. Just a short comment like "OK the Thread is dead. RIP. I live and learn" (See if I care! I'm not vulnerable)

    I realise it's only a tiny thing and navel-gazing can be so boring but it's also a microcosm. I was challenged to stay with the uncertainty. Not Publicly gloss it over. And not to do so inside myself either, not to conclude my inner speculations about how I might have killed this heart warming thread;-) There was this alive moment there to be left alive and touchable. Not knowing why, what, when or who.

    Reading it in Canada, you felt what I felt typing it in Germany! How cool.

    You write: "There are so many ways that we can engage in dialogue and open things up."

    Yes, I think so too and exploring how to do this, in online conversation, is one of the things I'm inspired, by Beams, to practice here. I think one of the keys is to re-member our full humanity and that of our conversational other(s) as we type. It's easy to get disembodied online.

    I think the internet - being in some way a mirror of the "inter-head", the communal thinking brain - does invite careless vitriol (my new beams vocab;-). I actually find it quite revealing that we dare to attack people online, often anonymously, in poisonous ways we wouldn't dare to try face to face. Here we just say what we think. As we fling it round the internet, the shit that we usually confine to our own minds, is pasted all over the communal mind, for all to see. Oh, for the pleasures of sharing one mind:-)

    It's ugly but I prefer having it out in the open than seething in private, unconscious containers. Still I'd much prefer us to stand in the wounds that we are protecting (by attack), and let some foreign light get there. How to do that in the impersonalness of the inter-mind is a challenge. Although I don't know that it's more difficult than face to face. It just wants practice. I like to remember that I'm engaging with other human beings. Body, heart, mind and being. To re-embody the space so to speak.

    One of my bottom lines is always: The mind, however big and impersonal, belongs in service to the feeling being. The feeling being belongs in alignment with the larger whole. And the body is so ancient, both innocent and wise that it deserves a great deal of attention and gratitude along the way. Something like that...

    We get lost in the vast internet, like Socrates was lost in his own vast mind on that snowy occasion. The next day we feel the pain in our back. We didn't notice the tension there while we were surfing from one blog to the next.

    So one thing is to invite the body, the feeling heart and being into our engagement in these spaces...

    and then as you say: "allowing what happens in this space to branch out into our lives" and “connecting the larger world more deeply.”

    What you shared next really knocked me out! I'll be back (after meditation) in support of those great ideas.

    To create the interbeing!

  • Comment Link Philip Corkill Wednesday, 19 October 2011 22:19 posted by Philip Corkill

    So, first off, the real time engagement could be fruitful. Like we nearly turned this thread into a chat the other day. But then either you have to record the whole chat – which could be personal or simply too long - for anyone to follow the thread or it would just be for the benefit of the two involved. But still I like the idea of chancing upon someone who happens to be online, reading the same piece and having the chance to chat or even skype.

    Also like the the idea of public conversation after a live podcast. I've been enjoying the beyondawakening series for about a year now, which is set up like that with Terry P as the MC. But Beams could afford changing MCs and more time for the community. Another idea would be to have the occasional public teleconference on particularly popular articles. But shit, you really have to set your priorities these days. There's so many good teleseries out there.

    By far the idea that hit me fullest was the idea of real time, collective practice. I've been pondering this phenomenon too. It's gone as far as the grandiose vision of a co-ordinated planetary practice. Bringing both the highest quantity and the highest quality of practitioner together for common collective Practices. Starting with silent meditation, common to so many, but branching out to other practices that could benefit from a strong global field too. - coordinating global practice;-)

    I like the idea of practicing with close sangha or family, daily. A slightly larger group, weekly. A still larger group of kindred spirits, monthly. Again a larger like-valued collective, quater-yearly. And at least once every year all meditators on earth would shut the fuck up together!

    I've sat in the hundreds before, in the same location and it's quite a catalyst. It also effects everything the group does together from cooking to singing. Recently I've joined Craig Hamilton and perhaps a thousand evolutionaries for some free global guided sittings. It's a monthly thing, there's been three so far. It had a similar feel to being in one hall with a large group. I enjoyed it. That might be a start for the beams family (any of you already take part in that?) since there's some similar values there. I found it quite in keeping with what I call meditation too. Though I'm sure it's not for everybody.

    So anyway, starting with the Beams and Struts family/community microcosm, I would say, lets get going with some experiments. It struck me, while I was reading the 123 Wilber articles, that there's a lot of people here who have been blessed with some pretty deep glimpses of the “ground of all being” (since we're on a Cohen thread here). I think we would create a potent field.

    Let's start co-ordinating an interbeing!

    An intermind and an interbeing are a good start. Then all we need is an interheart (collective heart practices?) and an interbody and we'll be good to dance with some badass intercoordination!

    Those food ideas might be the beginning of the interbody. Joining the dots of the joys of cooking sustainably. Buying/growing food intelligently. Sharing what works, tastes good and has the best knock on effects?

    Just don't ask how long I've been at this screen alone now;-)

  • Comment Link Philip Corkill Sunday, 13 November 2011 13:39 posted by Philip Corkill

    As a prequel to our Beams collective silent sittings;-) here's the plug to today's free offering by Craig Hamilton:

    Calling all meditators and wannabes:

    An opportunity to sit with over 1000 others that share at least some values in common with those expressed here on Beams, on this beautiful, blue marble:

    Virtually coordinated, ACTUAL silent sitting practice.

    I think Craig does a good (and free) job of guiding beginners. For the rest of us, his commentary doesn't disturb the stillness too much and is a decent reminder of what we already cultivate.

    And, we get to sit together:-)


    I actually can't make it today, as I a have to prioritise my commitment to my physically local basketball team and our game this evening (Europe) over this virtual-global team of meditators.

    I will be playing point-guard bearing the meditation, and even more: Bonnitta's horses, in mind and heart:-) and the direct, not overly complexified, or intellectually deflected, energetics of the game:-)


  • Comment Link Chela Davison Thursday, 17 November 2011 05:26 posted by Chela Davison

    Phil! Oh. My. Goodness. As you mentioned three comments ago, some things get lost in the shuffle of these dialogues. Well it seems that I hadn't read your comment before last and your most recent one brought me backwards.
    Thank God for that.
    Bergen...are you reading these?

    I know I don't have to apologize for my slow response and yet I feel I want to given what you're bringing. When you and Bergen were first discussing writing and you talked about ways to contribute that may not be in article form, these suggestions and engagement in moving forward with them are quite the contribution of leadership indeed.

    I love when you suggested the planet shut the fuck up together for a while. Br. TJ has actually introduced a Shut the Fuck up and Write day/night where whoever is available gets in the same room and shuts up and writes (Bergen and I fail terribly at the shutting up part, but we're trying!)

    It's funny, I notice my own vulnerability and nervousness in saying 'yes! let's start a practice group!' afraid that others won't want to...or something...not too sure what that is. And yet I really appreciate you keeping this discussion going and I wonder if there's anyone else lingering on this thread who has thoughts on this?
    I know Juma has talked about wanting to discuss some Beams events for the coming year and I do wonder how we could bring this in.

    Thanks again for being here Phil, for bringing yourself so fully and for continuing to deepen every discussion you jump in on.


  • Comment Link Philip Corkill Monday, 21 November 2011 23:15 posted by Philip Corkill

    Thanks Chela,

    I'm following your current articles and discussions too and seeing the tendency towards practice. It's so rich what your putting out there too. I was at a ContacTango workshop this weekend:-) Quite a field for exploring all this!

    I wonder about his collective practice thing. You know that statement "For wherever two or more are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them". Well, I think it's a bit miserly of our Lord. Why wouldn't he take the time for one person alone? Osho, being generally more generous than Jesus (joke) used to say "one seed can make the whole earth green" Not that I have any affiliation with that rascal but I do love his organic analogies.

    So what I will do is start to practice silent sitting in relation to Beams and Struts on two Sundays per month. This will be a mixture between contemplation and meditation. The contemplation part will be just allowing the whole of the vast wealth of what I receive here to catch my attention and work with my mind and heart as it often likes to, out of site. The meditation part will be allowing awareness to become aware of itself and being still. These I will let occur in natural fluctuation within the space of about an hour. I think this will enrich my already cherished sittings.

    And after sitting I will add one comment somewhere on the site and see what comes out. Then when any of you want to join me, we can co-ordinate that and provoke Christ to get his ass down here with us. That way it can grow (or not) organically. Or you can jump in with me right away. Feel free!

    I will start this Sunday whether the lord is with me or not;-) Certain that one seed is enough...

    (not wanting to mock your hesitation here at all Chela. That's very valid and familiar to me too. I'm just feeling oddly practical today. And, after all, this is all made possible by the bold expression that Beams and Struts already is because of you guys)


  • Comment Link Chela Davison Tuesday, 22 November 2011 06:18 posted by Chela Davison

    Well Phil,
    I can't very well leave you out to be rejected by Christ! christ. Ok, Sunday, let's practice. I'll be there. You're in Germany right? 9 hours ahead of Vancouver. We setting a time for this or holding space all day, sitting whenever?
    Berg, you in on this? I know you get these comment updates in your inbox!

  • Comment Link Philip Corkill Tuesday, 22 November 2011 13:06 posted by Philip Corkill

    Yay! Amazing where a dialogue with Andrew Cohen can take you. Maybe I should...

    I'd like to set a time but that will be difficult to co-ordinate. So, only if we can find one that works for whoever is on board. Let me see. Apart from a Basketball game I'm free but it looks like that could be right in the money time since our daytimes don't overlap that much.

    I have to leave for the game at 17:00 and before that will be too early for you. It's Sunday! I should be back by 20:30.

    So, I'd be free to sit with you from about 21:00 till 01:00. That's 12 noon till 16:00 in Vancouver. Only four hours to choose from and right in the middle of your Sunday :-/

    Let me know. If not we'll try each to his own time.

    I'm also open to suggestions for the method of practice. Mine was just the first that sprang to mind. Perhaps you have more ideas about what this can be about. I would just like some of it to be silent because Beams is always already so thought provoking.

    Welcome to my life:-)

  • Comment Link Philip Corkill Thursday, 24 November 2011 15:45 posted by Philip Corkill

    We could take in the Sacred Sundays piece for this week as our sutra before the session and meet in that thread space if we have anything to share from our coordinated practice afterwards.

  • Comment Link Philip Corkill Saturday, 26 November 2011 23:43 posted by Philip Corkill

    Even cooler would be if we could see a live broadcast of a Bruce Sermon to lead us into the practice.

    Anyway, do get back to me on what you decide, so I can keep the appropriate space open tomorrow.

    I'll be giving it an hour whatever.

  • Comment Link Chela Davison Sunday, 27 November 2011 09:04 posted by Chela Davison

    Hey Phil...

    So how bout this...No set time, though I`ll aim for mid-day, so we`ll likely be within a couple of hours.

    Chris is on Sacred Sundays. I spoke to him about it today, he suggested that for what we`re doing, may want to work with this piece articles/item/693-why-to-use-prayer-beads

    I haven`t read it yet. What do you think
    É. See that weird eÉ oh there it is again. That`s supposed to be a question mark. something just happened. now i can`t ask questions without getting a weird e. seeÉ


    Let me know which piece you`d prefer to practice with. I`m there. See you in some other comment thread tomorrow :-)

  • Comment Link Philip Corkill Sunday, 27 November 2011 13:34 posted by Philip Corkill

    Good morning Chela,

    I'm so glad we're embarking on this new journey together. May it bear fruits and be infectious.

    I like the tactile part of the prayer beads piece because staying in touch with our surroundings seems important, since we are going to bridge the Atlantic and meet in non-local space.

    But I'm gonna choose the Sacred Sunday Centering Prayer. I love Fr. Thomas Keating's emphasis on it involving the whole life and bringing the fruits of the practice into daily life. Also the idea of our consent to the presence and ACTION of a larger spirit within us. Also, we'll be "gathered as two or more..." in Christian territory, so in case your listening mister Christ, you are welcome;-). Good day for it too. It's the first of advent and my ninety year old Grandmother has a candle lit downstairs.

    I'm going to go with the breath as the sacred word. Unless you're inspired to throw a shared word out here this morning. Then I would go with whatever you choose.

    Finally, I think that we should be receptive, open and curious for something new too... This is new territory!

    Making space for this "jolly" meeting:-)


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