John Maynard Keynes and Friedrich Hayek- Rap Battle Round 2

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This video came my way this past week; man it's funny, and creative, and just generally brilliant. It contrasts two views of how to approach the economy, represented historically by the famous economists John Maynard Keynes and Friedrich Hayek. For other resources around this, here's a short interview with one of the video's creators, the Hayekian economist Russ Roberts who runs the website Cafe Hayek. There was also a PBS documentary a few years back called The Commanding Heights- The Battle for the World Economy, which provides a useful historical overview of the views of both Keynes and Hayek, and the contexts in which their ideas were created and eventually came into power. You can watch that documentary for free here. In terms of local resources, I recommend the Beams essay by integrally informed economic thinker Daniel O'Connor, called Debt Trapped: Exploring Monetary Futures. It's not exactly about the debate between Hayek and Keynes, but it is a high level exploration of our current economic landscape, and I'm still going back to it from time to time in an attempt to more fully absord what Daniel has written.

When watching the rap battle I can feel myself leaning in both directions, having a hard time drawing a black and white line anywhere. But on top of all that, the video is also damn funny. There's something about watching a skinny Hayek boxing that seriously cracks me up. enjoy!

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