Mexican Presidential Candidate Enrique Pena Nieto had trouble correctly naming three books that have influenced him (at a book fair no less!). So this got me thinking about books that have influenced me.
Here are three books that have deeply influenced me:
1. Sex, Ecology, and Spirituality by Ken Wilber. [I've written about my experience reading that book here.]
2. Passion for Creation: The Sermons of Meister Eckhart.
3. Invisible Man, Ralph Waldo Ellison.
Please use the thread to this piece to share three influential texts in your life. I'm really interested to hear from a cross-section of our readers and writers as I think the results could be really interesting.
Get at it! Send us three influential books in your life.
Afterthoughts: Nieto referenced The Bible (or "parts of it" anyway). But The Bible is not a book, at least not in the conventional sense. The word Bible in fact means "books". The Christian Bible consists of 68 books in fact. The Bible is really more like a library in one volume, so it didn't seem appropriate to choose, though obviously the books of the Bible have been very influential in my life.
I also thought about children's books that influenced me. One in particular I loved was called The Fourteenth Dragon.
Also I have no books by women on the list, which seems questionable. I always loved Madeleine L'Engle. Also Bernadette Roberts The Experience of No Self has been a major influence on my spiritual life. As well as the works of the great theologians and mystics Catherine of Sienna, Teresa of Avila, and Hadewijch of Brabant (my all time favourite Christian mystic).