I just had the honour of attending the Integral Spiritual Experience 3 in Pacific Grove, California. Amongst the hundreds of kick-ass people present, were two of my favourite folk and fellow Beams writers Trevor Malkinson and Sarah Olson. Trevor and I had intended to blog from the conference. But with the theme being Kosmic Creativity, I decided to check my habitual way of throwing down deadlines and pressure to produce and just showed up, porous and awake. Trevor brought you this post while we were there and both of us are now working on articles that we’ll be bringing you later this month.
This piece here is coming atcha with the intention of bringing the conversations and experiences that happened at ISE into form as a discussion here at Beams and Struts. So I’m asking for the voices of those of you who were there, for the sake of those who weren’t and for one another…
For me the most exciting thing about coming together at an event like this is the coming together, (Barbara Marx Hubbard inspired sexual innuendo intended.) Gathering community- across disciplines, across countries, across generations…with shared intention to get…well…Inspired? Integrated? This can really stir our energy in such a space; we meet, we practice, we riff, we sing, we dance, we eye gaze and break open and have idea orgies that move each other and our individual and collective creative impulses.
What can be challenging after such an event is navigating the varying states that occurred pre/during/post, and reintegrating into life, trying to convey or even transmit what happened to those who weren’t there and to allow what mostly matters to settle into our form, compelling us forward in some kind of useful way. I’m presuming, having been there, that what we’re all looking for is to have our own creative impulse come more greatly into manifestation. But I don’t know, maybe you could tell us more.
What we’re doing here at Beams and Struts is an experiment in collective intelligence and you’re all invited to the party.
I loved hearing the buzz over dinners, on the walks, the ways that people were coming together and looking forward, for co-creative opportunities. So as I have been settling at home, working on a longer more thorough article inspired by this event, I am holding that space and all the fine folk who filled it, in my heart. I’m wondering…what’s happening now for you? What’s alive and full of juice? What rocked you, revved you, shook you or broke you? What did you ache for more of, less of, other than? What got confirmed or confronted? Who are you conspiring with and for the sake of what? What is bubbling, what don’t you have words for and what are the words you’re ready to lay down? And what about the folks who watched from home?
I can feel my own evolutionary ache and I sure as hell felt yours. I am looking to light a fire here and ask those of you who were at ISE, whether as teacher, participant, volunteer, co-ordinator...whatever capacity you were there, in and as Community, to bring your Creative torches to this page and share it here.