Last Words and Testament of our Contributors

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As publication comes to a close here at Beams, some of our contributing writers have stopped by to share parting words straight from their hungry brains, thirsty souls and generous hearts...

handsJoe Corbett- "I especially enjoyed the commentary discussions at Beams.  They were always thoughtful and productive collaborations in the best spirit of a post-postmodern vision of meaning and purpose in culture, society, and the universe at large.  I will miss participating in this online community."

Eugene Pustoshkin- “I loved that Beams and Struts has been a wonderful exploration of more integral ways of being-in-the-world and discussing it, beyond the fragmented ruins of our past.”

Olen Gunnlaugson- "Since its inception, Beams and Struts has provided a much needed venue to explore, question and live into this larger post-integral conversation.  Beams was a beacon for that and in that sense, Beams will definitely be missed.  Beams was also a community cohered around a larger purpose and calling for all involved and in that sense Beams will also be missed.  Though the forms and formations of the community are changing, it will be interesting to see what projects will hold the sinews and ethos of our collective passions together down the road.  I’ve been an avid though very much at the fringe supporter of this project since the early days and look forward to where the conversation takes us all from here!"

Kahlil Ashanti- "Beams and Struts will always will be ahead of its time.  A community of talented writers editing each other and challenging each other with constructive criticism, pushing each other to be better along the way - not easy to find.  Hope to participate in some way in whatever form it takes next."

thank you
Kathryn Ehnebuske- "Beams, Chris, Bruce and TJ opened a space where I was enticed to experiment with articulating my deeply personal understanding of what it means to really live this stuff.  I find my sense of the possible expanding.  This beautiful creation by the Beams team is an auspicious beginning and I will be excited to see what grows from it.  There is a quality of depth, curiosity, excellence, relevance and love that bodes well for the future."

D. Fisher- "Having seen Beams and Struts emerge from its early days of exploration, to exploding on the internet scene as a serious and established voice for emerging writers, authors, activists and artists of all ilks, I’m left truly impressed. Thank you for giving me a space to be heard in the early steps of my own writing journey, and for creating a place for voices that are often marginalized or silenced in the mainstream. You all deserve a bow for your pioneering efforts and your intrepid commitment to your work."

Jeff Bellsey- "Beams has been a radically successful experiment in collective creativity, conscious community, and authentic, risky inquiry. I remain awed by your uncompromising search for the good, the true, and the beautiful. The quality of work far outshone the level of star power you drew upon, which is testament not only to the number of creative and compelling writers in this corner of the world, but also to your discerning passion and love for the Big Project. You've done quite a service, and for that, I can only offer a deep bow of appreciation. I will keep my eyes on you folks!"

coming together
Miriam Mason Martineau- "Beams and Struts... always loved the images evoked by the name itself... the foundations of a building, the essential structures that give rise to more, the many hands, hearts and minds holding up an emergent inquiry and discovery... you truly lived into and up to that name. Coming together with such a wide AND discerning embrace. Welcoming, encouraging, creating. A labor of Love. As I contemplate you ~ Beams and Struts ~ I feel such gratitude for the collective experiment you were and are, for the adventure you set out upon, and the incredible treasures discovered, both in the process and in the many published articles. Those of you who poured huge amounts of time, sweat and care into this ~ a deep bow to you. May the gems created and collected shine on."

Jeremy Johnson- "Beams has had an amazing journey which I was lucky to be able to watch from inception. Over the years, the Beams team have created an amazing, boundary-defying space in which to explore consciousness, culture and the soul. And they’ve done it collectively, inviting many, including myself, to partake in that discussion. Thus far, Beams has been a wonderful meta-project, pondering the big picture while keeping one foot down in the muddy plane of human existence. They’ve made philosophy approachable, the fringe accessible. Best of all, they’ve done this creatively. I’m excited for its next incarnation: a digital-hypertext-library, and meta-study for birthing a new global culture. What’s inspiring for me is that Beams demonstrated what such a culture – called “integral” or otherwise – looks like: participatory, multi-linguistic, rhizomes writhing with ideas and love."

Emelia Symington Fedy- "Would it be too dramatic to say that Beams and Struts helped launch my professional blogging career? Also, that I met a dear friend and exceptional editor in the process (Chela Davison) who taught me about putting generosity into my writing. Although I am personally saddened that Beams is ending, I am also incredibly inspired that these artists are following their guts and moving forward. Teaching me that even excellent and successful things can chose to end in their prime. How empowering and bold!
Thank you Beams! You are a magazine and a collective that I hold in the highest regard."

Tineke de Boer- "Original, thoughtprovoking, loving, daring. Beams & Struts raised the standard for online writing. The articles on this forum are carefully composed stories, expressing the search for knowledge and deep meaning by brave souls. And readers have honoured this high standard by putting just as much care in their reactions, creating a think-tank for evolution together. Writing for Beams has taught me to think more clearly. To learn how to express myself in a way that is easy to understand by others. To dare and word my deepest insights and expose them to a larger crowd of interested readers. To evolve. Thank you Beams & Struts!"

train tracks
Terry Patten & Marco V Morelli- "It’s with great sadness, but even greater appreciation, that we hear the news about the end of Beams & Struts as an active “magazine for hungry minds & thirsty souls.” As co-authors and contributors of the “Occupy Integral” manifesto which was published first on Beams & Struts last year, and as individual readers of and commenters on various other articles, we always felt that the site was an extra special place on the web, especially geared to the interests of broad, compassionate and discerning thinkers, as we aspire to be. It was the right “home” for our collaboration, and that of many others. We will miss the unique blend of creative gifts and insight and passion and care that core team brought to the project. But we also have faith that the larger project continues... and each of you will have new and even deeper gifts to give, which we eagerly anticipate. A deep bow and sincere thanks for all your hard work, experimentation, and co-creative spirit over the last few years. All best, with love".

Carissa Wieler- "I definitely feel the coming absence of Beams and Struts. I notice a lot of gratitude for the space that Beams made for myself and others to share in sometimes deep, sometimes playful, always evocative conversations and topics. We have benefitted from keen and discerning editorials and a vision of inclusiveness that has stretched those immersed in integral-speak to imagine new ways of sharing their ‘integrally-informed’ topics. Beams has held a place-marker for what I believe is an emerging reality for those interested in integral consciousness - that we not hide out behind models and maps, but dare to put our voices and thoughts out there in engaging ways. Beams has provided a safe yet provocative environment to swim in. The closing of Beams should not be taken lightly and at the same time, has contributed a valuable template to a movement that continues to simmer and develop. With thanks."

goodbye heartBonnitta Roy- "Beams and Struts - a Love Story"

What kind of life does a poem have
Sat on the cyber page like a pregnant woman

People congregate there
As if a church were built
of real Beams and Struts

Once I was told a story
by a young man
who displeased me.

But in his eyes
I saw the fire
that could raise the dead

Some he met came to  fan his fire
and some came to water it
and others came to bathe in the steamy bath

They tell me now
He is gone
but not forgotten

A small story for so large a  force
that beams and struts across the page
To  signify everything.

with Love and light.

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