I once told a friend’s child never to trust the police. I’ve done some thinking on this over the past few months wondering whether that was a good idea.
Now, I’m sure, there are some very concerned parents at this very moment composing nasty comments about how irresponsible these words were. Put the pen down.
I meant it in jest, but my personal antipathy towards the police only grows by the day. I know. The vast majority of officers are well-meaning and honest people looking only to help. And truly, they are confronted daily with all the worst parts of the human condition. I recognise this.
I think what I should have told the child was that while you should certainly trust individual police officers, never, ever trust the institution – you can trust the police but most certainly not the Police.
The Police is an institution that is at its core about power. And to paraphrase the old saying, ‘power unchecked, corrupts.’ As the following CBC documentary – produced by The Fifth Estate – shows clearly, unchecked power and a gang-like mentality infects the kindest of constables when they gather and feel powerful. Suddenly they’re looking for a fight and will perceive even the slightest of threats as provocation. We need only recall how ‘threatened’ four grown and armed male police officers felt by a confused and delirious Polish immigrant ‘wielding’ a stapler to understand how quickly police become Police.
Police riot is not a term we use often as daily parlance, but it’s worth considering a reinvigoration of the term when confronted with how the Police behaved against G20 demonstrators in Toronto.
So yah, I know it’s rude, but as that great wordsmith Ice Cube once said, fuck tha police!