While most progressive thinkers acknowledge the need for gay rights, the tacitly condoned shunning of bisexual, transgender and questioning individuals - even by gays and lesbians themselves - continues to stall progress for the gay community.
  Another cool video of humans pushing their limits.  
  The Harry Potter books. The Da Vinci Code. The Twilight series. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, and sequels. In the age of instant messages, Facebook, tweets, texting, how did these thick genre novels by unknown writers reach people on such an unprecedented scale?
  Andrew "Shay" Hahn is a Toronto based painter. Here are five of his paintings, with script by the painter himself on his approach to what he does.
Despite drone attacks, book burnings, and a corrupt poltical class, the United States of America still has much to offer the world. Tonight, I present two examples of the goodness that can still find be found in the land of milk and honey.
It turns out that pirates, despite rumours to the contrary, were in fact anarchists. I know this because I was informed of this by a group of scholars, known colloquially as Piratologists. 
A follow-up from Viva La Revolucion: The Changing Face of Global Activism. What can we learn from the printing press and Evgeny Morozov? (video)
I've long wondered how the people who live to spout shit and stir up blockheaded arguments in the comments sections of social media find the time to do what they do, much less the energy. Here's an answer to explain at least some of them: it's their job.
Will post-postmodern culture bring with it an entirely new sense of time?  Or will our species run out of time?  What should be our relationship to this most fundamental reality?  Perhaps Jean Gebser would offer us some clues.
  A brilliant bit of... satire? Scholarship? Hard to categorize. But a couple of very clever writers wrote this piece, as if the HBO show The Wire were actually an unjustly obscure Victorian novel.
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